The program’s core aim is to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility at homes and in the society.
It is endeavouring to design a model code of conduct for developing a polite society by providing lifetime formulas from cradle to grave to each individual of the Muslim community.
To organize extravagance-free marriages for leading a good and smooth married life, besides to eradicate lavish lifestyle, demand of dowry and absurd-cum-cumbersome customs and rid the society from all evils and abominable traits peacefully.
The program’s prime focus is to persuade the people to adopt the complete Islaamic system for performing simple marriages without any demand of dowry from prospective in-laws. It also educates the prospective grooms and brides about the ethics and etiquette of marital-life so that they will be able to lead a tension-free and successful marital life, and develop an excellent rapport each other and with their in-laws. The program also aims to promote value based society in a peaceful manner.
Muhammad Mukram Mukarram Haafiz
Humsafar Marriage Counselling Cell (HMCC)